
Sunday 11 August 2024

It's good to be her. requested by Lala. 10.08.24 channel two

16-year-old Jeremy was deeply depressed.

He was fat he was ugly he was unload and unwanted.

Everybody picked on him his family his friends even his teachers, especially Mrs Robinson a beautiful red-headed teacher who for some reason took a horrible dislike to him.

She found it humiliating in front of the class.

She found it fun to ridicule him every day.

He was on the brink of committing suicide over this when the strangest thing happened to him.

A beautiful little silver fairy flew in front of his eyes.

She told him in a sweet and kind voice not to do what he was thinking of doing.

She told him everybody had beauty kindness and loving themselves.

She told him if he did one thing for her she would make his life better.

She would make him a beautiful popular person.

Somebody everybody loved and wanted to be.

Jeremy thinking he was a loosening said in a blubbery voice what do you need help with?

The silver fairy told him about his strange old man who had been capturing the fairy folk and extracting their fairy dust to use in black magic.

She told him that she would take him to where the man was living.

She told him she would distract the man and make him chase her while Jeremy rescued her trapped and imprisoned friends.

Jeremy did not know why he believed her.

He did not know why he followed her.

He just felt like everything she said was true.

He watched from behind a bush as a very flitted through the keyhole and out again followed by an angry man who pulled the door open and ran after her.

He entered through the open door.

He found several cages hanging from the ceiling each one containing a miserable-looking fairy.

He quickly released every single one of them and ran out of the house.

That night while he was lying embedding what had happened to the beautiful silver ferry she appeared by his side.

She looked more radiant and beautiful than before she was practically glowing with a magical energy.

She sprinkled fairy just over his head and said in the morning your world will be different.

You will be beautiful popular and successful.

You will know everything about how to survive in a world like that.

Jeremy went to sleep and the weld the next morning to the feeling of something hard poking him in the ass.

He instinctively knew it was his husband who was hard on.

He snuggled about down for a moment before his eyes opened and he slid out of bed.

He did not have a husband.

He should not be liking that feeling of a dick in his ass.

What was going on?

Then he noticed the two large breasts bouncing on his chest and the naked female body he now had.

He looked in the mirror and saw he was now the beautiful redhead Mrs Robinson.

Somehow the fairy had given him her life.

He found himself following Mrs Robinson's morning routine.

He sat on the toilet and peed 

He took a sensual shower which almost blew his mind.

He put on his makeup and got dressed ready for a day at school.

The underwear was the most confusing part of what he now had to wear.

A bra and knickers were not the most comfortable items of underwear he had ever worn.

He turned around by a voice from the bedside you look so sexy this morning why don't you play hooky and get back in bed?

Her body wanted so desperately to play hooky and get back into bed.

But he fought his new female sexual emotions and their ever-growing dampness and rushed out of the room without saying a word.

He made his way to school where he headed straight into the teacher's lounge.

He could not believe held a teacher talked about the students behind their backs.

He drank a sweet black coffee someone nearly never done before but this was apparently her favourite drink and now it was his.

He headed off to his first class of the day and found he had all her knowledge and knew how to teach her class.

He was a little bit surprised to see his body walking through the door with a miserable lock on its face.

He did not know how he knew but he could tell she was trapped inside of it.

Trapped with no way of telling anybody she was forced to live his life forced to be bullied picked on and humiliated day and night.

He made sure to give Mrs Robertson's body the same treatment she used to give him.

He made sure to humiliate her influence on her class.

He made sure to pick on her for all her mistakes in her work.

They went slowly for him and he went from class to class teaching lessons and learning how difficult teaching was.

By the end of the day, he was ready to get home get his shoes off and put his feet up.

But when he got home he quickly discovered her husband had over ideas.

Her husband was hard and horny and wanted her now.

Before he had even taken his shoes off he was all over him.

Kissing looking and nibbling his more sensitive areas.

He was now so turned on and dripping wet he could not resist his wandering hands which were already halfway up his skirt.

Before he knew what he was doing he had her husband's cock in his mouth sucking away noisily and happily whilst he fingered and licked his wet pussy.

He could not quite believe how quickly he had been intoxicated by her ranging hormones and need for cock.

He could not believe how incredible to have your pussy eating out.

He could not believe how wonderful and grated was to have a throb income in your mouth.

He did not know how he knew but he knew her husband was coming to the point of climate and he did not want it to stop quite yet.

He squeezed his balls to stop it and told him it was time to change positions.

He got falls and presented his dripping-wet pussy to him like a bitch on heat.

He squealed and moaned with pleasure as he slid inside of him.

He could not believe how wonderful it felt will have a throbbing hot hard cock pounding away.

As he finally exploded inside of him he could not stop himself from Screaming thank you fairy for this.

Over the next 6 months, he settled down into his new life as a woman a teacher and a wife.

Her husband was surprised at how much better and more frequent the sex was.

They impacted deleted it every night.

Then they came the realisation to Jeremy that he had not experienced this woman's period yet.

Then he realized they had not used much protection over the past six months screwing like horny teenagers.

Like any modern woman, he went to the pharmacy and bought himself a couple of at-home pregnancy tests.

All of them came back positive.

He was now pregnant.

He could not help how his husband was going to take it.

He could not help being fried and he would fall out of love with him when he got big and fat and ugly.

But his fears were countless.

His husband was overjoyed and happy by the happiness.

He could not wait to be a father.

Over the next five months, he got bigger he got more hormones and he got extremely more horn in than he had ever expected to be.

Of course, his big belly got in the way when they made love but they found new positions and new ways to make it work.