
Thursday 9 May 2024

A bit of a surprise.

Nobody had seen Martin in the past seven days.

He had not been to his work and he was not answering his phone.

His friend Colin one of the guys he hung out at the local bar with decided to around and make sure everything was alright.

Colin knocked on the door and shouted Martin is Collin.

He was slightly taken aback when the door was opened by a practically naked young woman carrying a bottle of Corona beer.

Colin unable to take his eyes off her perfect perk little breasts said in a stammering voice is Martin home?

The young woman looked at him through days to eyes and said Colin what are you doing here?

Colin again asked can I see Martin, please.

The young woman looked at him and said oh you don't recognize me.

It's me, Martin.

Of course, you don't recognize me.

Come on inside.

I will explain everything.

Colin emptied the apartment and Martin shut the door behind him.

Colin could not help noticing how beautiful she smelt as he squeezed her little body.

They went into the living room and Martin made himself comfortable on the couch and Martin sat down opposite him in a reclining chair.

Colin still staring at his tips just looked at him and said if it is human everybody has been worried.

It's been a week since anybody's heard from you.

Martin could not believe they had been that long already.

Martin went on to explain what happened.

You see Colin last time you saw me I was still a fit and healthy young man.

Last Saturday night I went to this swap party.

I swapped bodies with a beautifully going woman called Jessica.

We had a lot of fun at the party.

You cannot believe how life-changing sex as a woman was for me.

It was like I had found who I was supposed to be.

Jessica felt the same way as I did.

We took the party back to my apartment and time just got the better of us.

I truly fault it was Sunday on Monday and I don't know a whole weekend gone by.

Just then Martin's body walked into the room naked and hard.

It looked at Collins sitting on the couch and said sorry I did not know you had company.

Martin introduced Colin to Jessica and Jessica to Colin.

He explained what Martin was doing there and that it had been seven days since the party and his friends were worried.

Jessica could not believe it had been seven days since they had one body.

She looked at Colin smiled and said you know what it's like when you are having fun.

She looked at Martin and said I take it we have to swap but now.

Martin looked at her and said I meant what I said last night if you want to make this permanent happy to do so.

Colin did not know where to look.

Martin looked at Colin and said unless you want to get freaky and join us as a threesome I think you should leave.

Let everybody know I am okay and I will see them soon.

He then told him to let himself out as he grabbed Jessica by the cock and pulled her back into the bedroom.

As he lets himself out of Martin's apartment he cannot believe that Martin wanted to stay a woman.

He had been the biggest ladies' man he had Always Known.

Everybody looked up to him and enjoyed his stories of conquest.

The guys down at the bar are not going to believe this when I tell them.

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