
Monday 3 June 2024

A Ghost story.

Michael was an amateur Ghost hunter.

He was staying at the Linton Bridge hall one of the most haunted houses in Britain.

According to Legend anybody who spent in night in the house vanished and was never seen again.

The whole house was in a state of decay.

The furniture and curtains had rotted away and the walls were full of dampness.

He managed to get a fire going in the old fireplace and settled himself down with his equipment.

The house creaked and moaned throughout the night.

Around 3 a.m. he fell asleep.

He dreamed of parties he dreamed of beautiful men and women he dreamed of the house being full of life and fun.

When he awoke some hours later he felt strange.

Top heavy and bottom light.

His body moved differently.

He was glad to see the fire was still burning hot and bright which made the room feel cosy and warm.

It was only when he fully awoke that he noticed the room had completely changed.

It was comfortable and beautifully decorated.

No sign of decay or rot anywhere.

Then he noticed the biggest changes of all.

The changes that had occurred to him.

He was now a beautiful woman.

He was wearing a see-through negligee.

He let his small delicate hands with their painted nails reach up and grasp the two orbs on his chest.

They were heavy they were soft and they were bouncy.

They were female breasts.

He searched between his legs but only found a hairy vagina.

The room started to spin and he fainted.

He came to a few minutes later as a man poured brandy down his throat.

The man looked concerned and held his hand gently.

As he looked back up into the man's beautiful blue eyes memories flooded back.

Memories that were not his.

Memories of growing up as a girl.

Memories of going to school as a girl.

Memories of going to parties and dances with boys.

Memories of courtships and love promises.

Memories of meeting this man and falling in love.

Memories of marrying him and returning to his family home as his wife.

He had somehow gone back in time to the 1930s and become this woman.

He fought to himself as he was helped to his feet and led him over to a comfortable couch this is going to take some getting used to.

The man gently kissed him on the lips which made his heart flutter.

Was he now Mrs Linton Bridge the legendary ghost Lady of Linton Bridge Hall?

We'll see now somehow living her life.

Seeing it through her eyes and experiencing experience.

Was this what had happened to all the other people before him?

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