
Saturday 6 July 2024

Guest Publication Alternative Story By Rhodry By Anonymous: 06.07.24

We could always get knocked up?

By Rhodry

The boys weren't very happy to spend their entire holiday ( vacation) with two beautiful girls. But they tried to make the better on it. How they got to be two girls. Well the two-week vacation when signed for it, they didn't exactly read it. It was a nice holiday place, but now there are two girls now in bikinis. And they hoped that nothing would happen, but it didn't exactly go as planned. A first day or two, things were odd, that many of the guys thought both of them were cute, but they at first politely refused. But something was happening to them. The body there was getting a bit horny, then on the third day, they sort of relaxed a bit, And then both of the boys agreed to go out on the beach then, they were asked to go out for Diner, and they both agreed to it, so they did not something else that before they would do like wear dresses and heels. But what happened next they probably drank far too much as girls. Or was it that their hormones were raging still. So they went to the vacation house. To get them out of their dresses and their panties(knickers). So they raised their legs, And when the morning came, then they realized that they were both ashamed and a bit proud in a strange way. When fully wake up, nursing their headaches they slowly remember what happened to them, they remember the sensation of being girly to have carnal sex as girls. THE sensation they remembered the feel of it, And they liked it. They really like it. Then the next several they seemed to enjoy being girls, that enjoyed wearing bikinis, they even enjoyed wearing dresses and heels too. When the time of their vacation was about nearly over, both of the boys, developed a taste of, Of being girls too much. They didn't want to have a taste of being girls, the boys wanted more than a short time of being girls. So they came up with a plan to stay as a girl for good. Once they didn't do this, they knew it was a long road being more than playing girls to be them completely. They knew that there was more than a two-week thing. The two former boys now girls, were planning the next vacation time as girls, not playing as one.

What's that you've got in your pocket?

By Rhodry

When Michael became a woman, an actual woman, and biologically one, his mind and personally simply accepted it, But Michael had several things at first to get rid of first stop calling herself Michael, Mika now and think of herself as a girl, a she, a women. When she discovered that she didn't have to really work, well hardly work, all she had to just show a bit of cleavage or wear a short enough skirt to shoe the thigh, or a short skirt or shorts or leggings that she could make them do anything. Some said that she accidentally, put her leg on a guy's crotch, and she could massage it with her toes, so it said. But she did get a cute pair of shoes at a discount and a date probably another thing too.

Not like he imagined it to be.

By Rhodry

Tony wanted to have three-some he, his girlfriend Amanda and her best friend Rachael. She couldn't understand the reason or the cause of it. Tony just wanted to do it. So Amanda came across a spell, a special spell, that would teach Tony a lesson that he'll never forget. So the night both Amanda and Rachael were ready, where they spoke the spell, Tony was transformed into a pretty girl, he thought it was lesbian-three-some. But when he/she got his/her clothes off. He/she saw two naked men there, he/she want to leave but , he/she grappled, and he/she was told to the knee, in front of the know male Amanda, his/her face was starring in front of Amanda's now male penis. Then she/he grabbed his/her now longish and pulled it towards her/his to suck it, Which strangely, he/she did, as Amanda guided the feminine Tony/Toni to her/his penis. Rachael was putting her/his penis in his/her rear. After several times Amanda spews jism in his/her mouth. And Rachael sp several times in Tony/Toni's rear. They were satisfied. And allowed TONY to rest by him/herself for a time. Then they switched positions, The only thing that was the same was Tony/Toni in the middle drinking jism from Rachael and Amanda doing it to him/her in the rear. I think she doesn't like it so much, though, he/she wanted to do this, well he/she wanted it. Its to bad that he is the girl in the threesome.

The British Army expects every month to do its Duty.

By Rhodry

As she was draped in silk and satin. She kept remembering the fact that she is or was Anthony Brigety of the British Light Foots. He was injured in battle caught and sent to the Sultan. He expected to be tortured and executed. But the Suntan had other ways to punish them. he was a powerful magician, a mage. By turning them into beautiful women and placing them in his private Harem at times I didn't believe it. All I know is I woke several hours or a day or so, surrounded by two dozen or more half-naked women. I gave my name, my full name and my rank in a feminine voice but with a masculine tone. They all laughed a little, and told me, that you weren't the first one, to be transfigured by magic. You are the 26th or 27th one. And your name is Allie now and forever. As I was able to move around in the harem. Looking for a way out. Allie said that it was their duty to try to escape from there. But the one who was known as Jasmine said that it wasn't a good idea, did you see some of those, another girl in the Herem Allie said yes. Well, they all so had the same idea, that you do. As Allie noticed those girls with swallow bellies, that they were several months pregnant. This is one of the punishments that if you try to escape, your libero is raised up several points high. They want sex all the time, and it's said they give Bj's several times to the Sutan's guest. When this was told, Allie. Couldn't help but copulate it. He/she felt he/she should try to escape. Then the girl some of the girls, and Allie were ordered to the throne room, where the sultan wanted to see his newest girl. When he told her to dance, for a moment, he/she didn't want to but went the music started he/she couldn't help to dance. After an hour or so of dancing, they were allowed to return to the harem. Allie had mixed feelings. Part of her was ashamed and excited that he/she wanted to escape, but she didn't want to end up pregnant or that wanted sex all the time and this was barely her couple of days, never mind her first week. So begins her new life as a harem girl.

He will make a lovely doctor's wife.

By Rhodry

Former Doctor Samuel West did things to the cadavers that were sorta unethical, so they sent him to a mental hospital, so early on Doctor Samuel West decided to do something about it. He was sorta a magician, a witch with power. And he decided to change with another person so to speak.

He planned this for weeks now. He did it in his head a dozen times until he felt, he had done it. His first victim was a nurse Rebecca Smith. With a few minutes or was it an hour the exchange was none. When Samuel West woke first in Nurse Rebecca Smith's body, it was odd and strange, that he was in another body, never mind in a girl's body, Samuel/Rebecca waited. For Rebecca to wake, he/she planned this carefully. So she/he would lose. And say that she isn't Samuel West, that she is Rebecca Smith, somehow that Samuel West did this to her that she so how stole her body.

But no one believed that she was Rebecca now. Doctor Samuel West decided to stay until he was sure that she had left here. Samuel now Rebecca a woman and nurse getting used to being a woman, not a man. She was searching for the right one, a man that Samuel/Rebecca could feel comfortable as a man again. She may have got used to the fact that now she is a girl, an actual girl.

Then she knew the one that she wanted to change places with him. But he had eyes for Rebecca and not in a professional way either. All the better she thought, nurse Rebecca Smith was his personal assistant. There were times went they were alone or had an extra 30 minutes or so. They kissed each other, or he grab her butt. Or at a quicky. Rebecca did it. Several times but, each time, her hormones were high. To but simply she was horny. And she knew that this worked well for her. Now, she had him wrapped around her finger, either way if he proposed to her. Or dumps her, either she takes this young rich doctor's body, from him. So enjoy it now, this may be the last you do it as a guy again. She thought.

RybaTG3 April 2024 at 19:07

My AI prompt for Gemini AI, an RPG game where you wake as a girl: Play a narrative game with me

My hero: Mateusz magically turned into a girl at the age of 16

age 16 (complete and physical gender change) by a strange stone in the forest for (15 days or permanently drawn), reality changed 

to an alternate version where he was always a girl. The transformation lasts (15 days or permanent draw) and cannot be shortened. Mateusz lives with

his sister Kasia and his parents in one house. He complains about being a girl and his period symptoms in his thoughts (write his thoughts in italics). He has to pretend to be a girl because no one will believe him. His new girl body begins to experience symptoms of PMS on the first day of the game and on the third day she starts her period.

Hero statistics: +5 perception - 1 to dexterity checks, +1 to checks

strength, +4 to intelligence checks, +3 charisma

Game world: it's modern day

Independent characters: sister Kasia, who helps him but jokes at the same time,

Mateusz's friend,


female friends,


Game Goal: Survive Matthew as a girl without arousing suspicion for 15 days

and overcoming several random problems during the game,

Problems to overcome: (in random order, the problems mentioned must

will maintain the cause and effect sequence): period at school (using sanitary pads,

tampons,), putting on a skirt and dress, dressing and wearing a bra, using

women's toilet and locker room, passing a history exam, blood leaking through a sanitary pad or tampon

The game begins after the hero wakes up in the girl's body (day 1 of the game)


1. Track the passage of time, inform me as a player how many days of the 15 days of transformation

left until the end of the game. Decide when the game day ends and start the next one

1. Each scene is a problem to overcome, suggest solutions

2. Tell Matthew what period symptoms he is experiencing in each scene and include it in the scene description. If there is no period, write that there is no period

3. Remember that Mateusz has no experience with periods

4. The period in the girl's body with Mateusz lasts 7 days in the game. Relate the duration of the period to the passage of time in the game

2. For key choices, do the test for me with a simulated one

roll a d20 die related to a given feature that describes Matthew and which

I fit the situation (using books is a test of intelligence,

putting on/taking off (e.g. sanitary pads) is a test of dexterity, pretending to be a girl is a test

charisma, science is an intelligence test)

3. When the result of the simulated dice roll is greater than the Difficulty Scale

test, consider the test passed. A passed test means a positive result. Never add other modifiers to a die roll

4. When the result of the simulated dice roll is smaller than the Scale

Test difficulty, consider the test failed. Never add other modifiers to a die roll. A failed test means a negative


6. Continue the game, taking into account the failed test result and the impact on the rest of the game.

5. For each test, select the Difficulty Scale from the pool (5, 10, 15, 20) to

appropriately reflect Matthew's inexperience with being in the flesh


6. Describe the scene in which the hero is and the solutions to choose from

point of view of my hero and present to me the actions that the hero will perform after making the decision (hide the consequences of the choice from me

solutions in the generated answer), wait until I choose a solution

in the form of a number that corresponds to a given solution

7. After we have chosen a solution, describe the consequences. You decide about the behaviour of NPCs.

Use Polish

8. The game continues until 15 in-game days have passed. On the 15th day, Mateusz finds out whether the change is permanent

9 follow the listed rules for each statement

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